Saturday March 8, the S&T Team (Ski/Ride & Toboggan) celebrated our season wrap up in style! We were very happy to see eight of our 16 candidates complete their training, finishing up with a climb up the Mad River Mountain together. A fantastic group of patrollers awaited their arrival, happy to celebrate.
A few items of note for this year: We had 16 people in training with 14 trainers, focusing on group training every Saturday morning and supplemented by more targeted individual training sessions throughout the week. Over 800 hours were logged for the combined candidate and trainer group, one of our largest S&T teams ever!
The newly minted Alpine Patrollers are: Danielle Redmond, Erin Broestl, Erin Faulkner, Mike Erdelsky, Ron Farcas, Calvin Feltmann, Lauren Feltmann, Tyler Riley. Congrats to each and every one for their dedication, patience with the process, and tenacity to continue expanding their skills!
A few additional awards were issued to the group:
> Most training logs and get a life award goes to Tyler Riley
> Most improved over time – Danielle Redmond
> The first married boarding couple to go thru training and still talking! Calvin & Lauren Feltmann
> Bravery and perseverance to come back from an injury – Erin Faulkner
> Fastest performance turnaround – Mike Erdelsky
Also recognized were four new toboggan trainers completing certification this year: Paul Fleischman, Tom Mostyn, Suzanne Tkach, and Tyler Williams.
Thank you to all who were part of the program this year. The contributions of so many is what makes this possible. Welcome to our new alpine patrollers and encouragement to the others who will continue their journey along with new candidates next year.
Cheryl Raudabaugh, APD On Hill Programs
Here are a few photos from the day – more to come from our amazing photographer.