Year End Celebration
Great food and socializing with fellow patrollers and ski school partners provided a wonderful wrap up to another successful season at MRM. Congratulations to those recognized at our year end banquet for service years and other achievements!
- Sage Award – David Faulkner
- Hill Leader of the year – Dan Fancey
- Shift of the year – Tuesday Night (Team: T. Southall, C .Watson, McAninch, Docktor, Nicol, Ogle, Evans)
- Candidate of the Year – Matthew Ogle
- Bravo Award – Twyla Southall
- OEC Instructor of the year – Cindy Watson
- Patroller of the year – Sallie Evans
- Instructor of the year Toboggan – Tom Tavenner
- Instructor of the year Snow sports – Chet Stanley
- Patrol Directors Award – Nick Tippett
- Patrol Directors Award – Doug Sanderson
- Service 20yrs and greater – 20 Yrs: Tim Burkholder, Robert Ritzi; 35 Yrs: John Norris; 40 Yrs: Fred Bradshaw
Patrollers Stepping It Up – Congratulations to all of the Mad River Patrollers who participated in the OEC Module of the Sr Program test PNS!
- Kristen McKenna – Passed OEC Sr and ARM Modules and became Sr Patroller
- Bernard Friedman – Passed OEC Sr and ARM Modules
- Mike Ruckdaschel – Passed OEC Sr Module
- Sallie Evans – Passed ARM Module
2016/2017 season wrap up.
CONGRATULATIONS to our newest OEC Technicians who graduated May 21: Dave Ogle, Matt Ogle, Ryan Andrews, Nicholas Marco. Please congratulate and welcome them to our patrol! A new OEC class is already in process now. Check out the schedule under OEC Training
Season Wrap Up:
Congratulations to our patrol for being awarded the Ohio Region outstanding patrol for 2016-2017!
Our year end banquet, shared with MRM Ski School, was held April 22 with good times and food shared by all. In addition to those recognized for service awards. below is a list of patrollers recognized for their special contributions this year. Also, Troy Green celebrated his final year as our Patrol Director. Troy was thanked by Tom Price, area manager, and by his staff and the patrol for his hard work through sometimes very difficult times over the past five years. Thanks to all, who each give so much to make this patrol successful and a vital contribution to the resort.
MRM Performance Awards for 2016/17 Season
Patroller of the Year: Scott Griffith
Hill Leader of the Year: John Norris
Bravo Award: Wally Taylor
Sage Award: Bob Basinger
Shift of the Year: Friday night
Candidate of the Year: Bernard Friedman
Instructors of the Year:
Snowsports: Chris Raudabaugh
Toboggan: Chet Stanley
OEC: Twyla Southall
Top Young Adult Patroller: Jonah Tugaoen
Patroller Director Award: Matt Ogle / Shawn Roush
PHOTOS: Check out our photos under Member Sharing/Pictures, and send others if you would like to share them! Recent additions include shots from the recent Alpine testing and from Alumni Day.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Patrol’s newest Alpine Patrollers: John Musto, Bernard Friedman and Kelley Clem. They have worked hard and despite this difficult season obtained the necessary skills and showed that they can assist in transporting patients via rescue toboggan.
CONGRATULATIONS to Wally Taylor, Justin Tugaoen and Jonah Tugaoen in passing the Senior Ski (Wally) and Senior Snowboard (Justin and Jonah) portions of their Senior Alpine Patroller journey. Also, congrats to Jonah Tugaoen for attaining the rating of Senior Patroller. This is quite a feat for such a young man and he is an example to all of us. Super job by all three, they represented MRM patrol well!!
Note: The latest Financial report is posted for patrol members. See Financials under the Members Area.
Check out EVENTS in the calendar to the right of the page, we have upcoming Ski and Toboggan Enhancement opportunities for YOU!
CONGRATULATIONS! We had two successful candidates for the OEC Module of the Senior Program, Stuart Kanchuger and Jonah Tugaoen Be sure to congratulate them! Congrats also to Aid Room Module successes from Kristen McKenna and Michael Ruckdaschel. Many thanks to all participants, evaluators, station support and other help to enable MRM to host the region event and show off our new facility.
Posted late 2016
MRM Patrol Announcement – Troy Green is now serving year 5 as patrol director, extended from the historical three year term at the request of area management, and he is planning to step aside at the end of the year. Our Advisory Board established criteria for the Patrol Director (PD) position, and posted in November. The review process has now been completed and management has officially signed off. Scott Griffith has been chosen as our PD Elect, and he will take over the PD position effective July 1, 2017. Please offer Scott your congratulations and support as he prepares to take over this most important volunteer position.
Posted Sept 2016
OEC Refresher 2016
Yup, it’s that time again. Go to Member Resources in the menu above, select OEC Program from the drop down and enter password for all the details and links to website references. If you only need a quick checklist of requirements for now, see below:
1. Do the Workbook and turn it in at the Refresher.
2. Do the online course and bring certificate to Refresher.
3. Register yourself for the Refresher at NSP.org
4. Bring your OEC Card.
5. Pack your lunch.
6. Bring your vest or fanny pack with the usual supplies in it.
See our Calendar of Events for important dates!
Posted July 2016
This year’s Ski Patrol Scramble is set for Saturday July 30, and will have a shotgun start at 1pm. Start putting together your teams and register for the event now. Join in for fun times with your patrol and ski school family and friends.
Click on the event at right for more information. Click Here To Register
Want to sign up to help out with cooking, collecting gift goodies, registration etc. Sign up here: Golf outing support.
June 2016
Thanks so much to all the volunteers for their assistance. Between the medical donation to us from Event Medics and the profits from beer sales, it was another successful event. And it could not have happened without you!
See pictures under our Patroller Share – Fundraisers area. Thanks to photo contributors Rick Schieltz and Wally Taylor, and Cheryl R for providing some memories of the day. Photo Sharing – Fundraisers
The area has just provided an update that WE ARE CLOSING FOR THE SEASON (Ending 3/8/16). Our close down of the trailer, emptying ALL supplies from the first aid room will be SATURDAY at noon. Lunch to be provided and we need as many patrollers as possible to move everything out of the trailer etc. Also, please see further details from Mark below about taking your stuff home 🙂
We had many successes in the 15/16 season by patrollers seeking to improve their skills through NSP and PSIA credentialing. Following are important completions to be recognized:
- Senior Alpine Patrollers – (Feb 21): Chuck Middlestetter and David Highman both passed their senior ski and toboggan test. With all the other components already passed, they become our newest Senior Alpine Patrollers.
- Alpine S&T -(Feb 27 &Feb 20): Cindy Watson, Katie Hiser, Matt Bates, Jonny Garther, Kristen McKenna, Jonah Tugaoen – Alpine Patrollers; David McKenna, Justin Tugaoen – added certification for snowboard/telemark.
- Senior Program – OEC Module (Jan 24) & Senior Program – Aid Room Module (Jan 24): David Highman, Justin Tugaoen, Wally Taylor, Twyla Southall, Cindy Watson
- PSIA Level II: (Jan 24) Cheryl Raudabaugh
- PSIA Level I: (Jan 24) Laura McCabe, John Kreamer, (Feb 7) Wally Taylor, (Mar 13) Twyla Southall
1. As the season winds down PLEASE make sure you take ALL your stuff home, anything you brought to donate, your Equipment, etc. We DO NOT know what is being taken down etc, if you leave stuff there do not expect it to be there next fall. We don’t have a closing date as of today, PLEASE assume we are under normal operations unless you hear from Troy or his staff. Before going to the hill always check the website.
2. I am making a second call to everyone, we need boxes to pack the aid room. The plans as of today – we will be packing up the trailer on the last day. If that day is in mid week, we will meet on Sunday (REVISED TO SAT) to pack up the trailer. Many hands make light work, PLEASE make yourself available, If you have not participated in a FUCU in a few years, please consider this your make up. The Sunday shift will supply lunch and who knows there may be an adult beverage or two… Once I hear from Troy we will make final plans.
3. Hill Leaders, please leave the sleds in their homes at the top of the hill until the last day.
4. Accident Reports, please continue to do the excellent job on the reports. We will be talking about these reports during the hill leader training sessions TBA.
5. 2017 Hill Leader Selection – ANYONE interested in being or becoming a hill leader for 2017 please let me know.
6. Hill Leader Training – A small group has been formed to formalize our hill leader processes and procedures. This will be used during our hill leader training sessions TBA. Our goal is to have a complete manual by July and begin meeting with hill leaders in August through October. There is plenty of flexibility throughout these months for you to attend and the dates will be announced as soon as we have that information.
Finally – don’t forget to visit the website for the savage race, instructor refresher, OEC refresher and all those dates you need to plan your life. THEY ARE OUT THERE so go look… Thank you Cheryl for all your hard work getting and keeping this information relevant.
Thank you in advance for your help and thanks again for a great year!
The Sunday Crew
MRM HOURS: UPDATED – Closing end of day 3/8/16. We are currently on normal ops hours until March 13, but will continue to update this information as advised.
PASSES – for those that are eligible for personal passes or dependent cards, you may now go to the office on an individual basis to pick them up. Many will need photos taken, due to some computer issues earlier in the year. You can not pick up for anyone else. Please go when the office is not too busy.
SKI ENHANCEMENT Opportunities: Dan Moss Clinics are available the week of Jan 18 and also with the region enhancement clinic to be held at MRM on Jan 31st. Check Events for more info.
FIRST AID ROOM “Features” – All the toboggan’s are now out of the first aid area and we have rubber mats that are a great improvement to avoid slips/falls! Be careful at the door entry though as it gets real slippery just outside the entrance. We also now have a microwave and water cooler.
1/8/16 – FROSTIES are starting, so all toboggan pullers should expect to refresh their skills at some point over the next two weeks. Make sure that you get your copy of a signed feedback card that confirms you did the frostie and if you have one of the newer OEC cards, you will want to get the back of that signed as well. Toboggans are at top of each main area, with a new one added at the top of the main. Training toboggans have been moved to top of Capital Park.
FOOD & BEVERAGES – Bottled drinks normally are ringing up full price, sometimes 50% off, but we just need to float with it. Please don’t argue with the cashiers; we know that it has been changing frequently but they can’t help it. You can bring your own drinks or enjoy free coffee and hot chocolate with your patrol card. Subs are available from the bar, but should only be ordered at times they are not busy with other patrons.
FIRST AID TRAILER USE – In response to some questions about who can be in the trailer, what can you bring in etc… The small room to the parking lot side is our Break Room of sorts for crock pots and other food/drinks and for our storage and we now have a microwave. On lighter shifts you may be able to boot up there, have lunch, and leave your boot bag. On busy shifts – use the Ski School storage that is identified as Ski Patrol, and the shared kitchen / boot up areas. There is a microwave in the Ski School main area. Some folks have been hesitant to go in there – don’t be, they won’t bite and are welcoming to the patrol, so buddy up and make some new friends! No skis in the trailer – they go on the rack outside or in the Ski School building. When in doubt, talk to your Hill Leader.
SNOWMOBILES – Maintenance controls the snowmobiles but they are willing to haul things around for us including loaded toboggans as long as we coordinate through the on site supervisor. Tom has indicated that he wants management/maintenance working closely with us, so let’s do our part in building the partnership.
1/6/16 – First Aid Room Etiquette – Since we are tightly packed into the first aid trailer it is critical that you help keep everything clean and put away. Also, there should not be any food/drinks in the front room where the computers and forms are – way too easy for liquids to end up tipped over causing big losses.
1/5/16 PD Updates – Troy is updating his blog with new info as we iron out various issues with our new set up and coordination with management. Check daily – PD Notes
Family and Single privilege cards are expected to be available by this weekend.
1/2/16 SKI SCHOOL ROOM Access: The door to the ski school locker area has a key code on it. The code is 6258. This is for patrol use but should not be passed out to others. Also, if you are a hill leader for open or closing shifts, there is an additional lockbox to close up the area for additional security over night. Please contact Troy G or Cheryl R or one of the other hill leaders for the code.
12/30/15 & 12/31/15 – OPENING DAY/RULES – REV 1/1/16:
Tom has advised that the area will be opening Sat at noon. This is an A weekend. Hours for the day – noon – 2am. Please be on shift, or make arrangements for coverage. Key start up notes: Ski/Board Storage: Patrollers only may store ONE pr of skis or a board in the Ski School area. Enter at far end of building across from MRM office, racks on the right. Food: Privileges are same ($9.50), no soda fountain yet but you can have coffee/hot chocolate, or one bottled drink with your meal. Plan to eat in ski school room unless there is available space in the First Aid trailer. Ski Bags: Take everything except your skis/board home with you at night. There is nowhere available for storage. SkiSchool Sharing – Remember to thank Ski School for sharing their space and please be respectful in your use of this privilege! They have stepped up to help us out; let’s make sure we all come away from our shared experience as a stronger join team!. Snowmaking – MRM is looking at the possibility of round the clock snowmaking over the weekend. So be sure to bring your goggles.
Remember that flexibility is key this year. We have very limited space in the first aid area, and ski/board storage has been facilitated by ski school in their area. That means NO storage for spouses, kids, others to use… Please help each other out and we will have a successful season. The new temporary lodge should be great for taking care of our customers, and it is important to stay focused on that for now.
12/30/15 – RADIO info:
The base radio in our Patrol Trailer is on the shelf above the handheld radios. Shawn reprogrammed it to display “Patrol” that is the channel it will use. On the rental handheld radios they need to be on channel 7. Those that have their own radios; channel 7 and or for those with display’s you will want “custold”. If you have trouble with signal try moving radio antenna away from the your body to improve the signal. Emergency backup is channel 5 (Maintenance) to relay if needed. Backup plan – use your cell – 800-231-7669 ext 219.
12/29/15 – OET – Toboggans:
Toboggans will be located in the standard spots at top of Sugarbush, Momentum, Sundowner, Capital Park, and midway down the park. We have two versions of toboggans – make sure you are familiar with each. See your Hill Leader if not for an orientation. Toboggans have carrier rings for transport on the chairlift (alternative to lap-load). Learn how this works as it provides another way to get an toboggan up the hill, then another patroller can carry the pack. Make sure the chairs in front and behind you are empty or only loaded with patrollers. Snowmobile is still an option if used with discretion. See Chris R, Tom T, Troy S, Alicia K.S., or Jim V with questions.
We have had many successes this season by patrollers seeking to improve their skills through NSP and PSIA credentialing. Following are important completions to be recognized:
- Senior Alpine Patrollers – (Feb 21): Chuck Middlestetter and David Highman both passed their senior ski and toboggan test. With all the other components already passed, they become our newest Senior Alpine Patrollers.
- Alpine S&T -(Feb 27 &Feb 20): Cindy Watson, Katie Hiser, Matt Bates, Jonny Garther, Kristen McKenna, Jonah Tugaoen – Alpine Patrollers; David McKenna, Justin Tugaoen – added certification for snowboard/telemark.
- Senior Program – OEC Module (Jan 24) & Senior Program – Aid Room Module (Jan 24): David Highman, Justin Tugaoen, Wally Taylor, Twyla Southall, Cindy Watson
- PSIA Level II: (Jan 24) Cheryl Raudabaugh
- PSIA Level I: (Jan 24) Laura McCabe, John Kreamer, (Feb 7) Wally Taylor, (Mar 13) Twyla Southall
Posted Jan 2 – WE ARE OPEN!
We opened at noon Sat with limited terrain, but moved into regular hours through Sunday, including our first Midnight Madness Sat night. Guests seemed happy to see the new digs as well as the snow on the hill, and we are all working well together so far to stay flexible and adapt to changing set up while any wrinkles are ironed out. Weather forecast looks good for adding snow over the next few weeks so stay tuned to MRM reports. Patrollers – see Member/Patrol Updates for detail patrol info.
PHOTOS – The Sunday Day Shift took a great photo of the team. Take a look under Patroller Share. Consider doing the same for your shift, then send it over to Cheryl and we’ll get it posted to our shared area.
We will open at noon Sat with limited terrain, and remain open through midmad (2am). Sunday will begin regular hours – 9AM – 9:30 PM. Patrollers – see Member/Patrol Updates for detail patrol info.
For the 15/16 season we have established Action Teams to help accomplish our patrol mission. If you are willing to help with Recruiting, Fundraising, or Administrative areas, please look under the Member area or click here for more info.
Congratulations! The Central Division had approximately a 36% voting turnout and Ohio Region hit 40%!! This is a great turnout and far exceeds past interest levels. Thank you to everyone who took the time and interest to vote for the next set of members for our NSP national board. Election results are in and the Central Division will have three representatives to the board for the upcoming three year term: Jim Woodrum (2nd term), Brian Rull, and John (Ty) Damon. Ed McNamara, Eastern Division, was also re-elected to a 2nd term, and currently serves as the National Chair.
Updated schedule is posted. Check under the member area to confirm yours.
Patrol reference info has been added in Tips,Tricks and FAQ under the Member Resources area. Check here for how to call patrol room with your cell, find a list of senior electives, what radio to buy, change your personal info on nsp.org and more! If you have questions or Q&A information to offer assistance to other patrollers, please email to Cheryl R for review and posting.
Sunday, November 1st we had a great Mad River Mountain Ski Swap. Sales were down some from last year, but considering all it was a GREAT turnout! Many thanks to all the patrollers and friends that helped over the weekend. Other than the Sat night rain, we were graced with some good weather for both the swap and Capital Park Rail Jam.
On September 16th, The Loft and attached food/service/lodge area at Mad River Mountain caught fire which resulted in a total loss. This loss also included the ski patrol room where supplies and equipment were severely damaged or lost. The Mad River Mountain resort has insurance that is expected to recover these losses and we will open this season with equipment and supplies that we need to provide exceptional services to guests of the Mad River Mountain Ski Resort.
The Mad River Mountain Ski Patrol has created a GoFundMe account for those that would like to help us with our continued training and/or educating our members. www.gofundme.com/madriverskipatrol The funds will be used for any educational expenses or training equipment that we may need going forward after this tragic event. These funds will not be used on items that will be covered by insurance, or items that are considered part of the ski area operations.
The Mad River Mountain Ski Patrol truly appreciates the overwhelming support and words of encouragement after the devastating fire. Our membership has really pulled together and is doing a great job of getting ready for the upcoming ski season.
There’s finally a real chill in the air and solid cold weather coming, so gets your ski bags packed and your patrol vests re-checked. MRM anticipates being able to make snow starting New Year’s Eve.
All Patrollers – if you wish to have FAMILY privileges for this year, please email nsp@ccrventures.com the names of your dependents. Note – if you have a JP, you must register for Family. Anyone else not sending in Family information will be listed for INDIVIDUAL privileges. Of course this is all based upon full membership in good standing.
According to Mike a lot of you have not paid your dues yet – if you want to patrol this year, this is the key! The Pay Dues area of the website (under Members) has been updated so that if you did not yet pay your dues, you can do so online. The amount charged will be $92 in order to cover the approx $2 in fees that Paypal charges but then you will have it done!! When you go to pay dues area, click Add to Cart in #1, then go right on to click the shopping cart button. On that next screen you will see that your payment item was added. If you need help contact Cheryl or Chris via email.
Oct 18 provided a great opportunity for patrollers to re-certify on their CPR, refresh on Chair Lift Evac, and catch up on What’s Happening in the Patrol! Some topics of note: We need your help to make the patrol effective in supporting MRM many activities! As a result we are planning to set up Action Teams this year and hope that patrollers will all sign up for at least one team, as well as providing support to our annual ski swap. Be sure to contact Troy or any of the APD’s if you want to ACT and have not already signed-up.