We now have seven new “red coats” for the season as hard working OEC Technicians move up to becoming Alpine patrollers! Congratulations to Todd Ebner, who joined the team today!

On Sat 26 we added yet more sled pullers! Congratulations to John Sullivan and Macy Weber for completing their objectives to become Alpine Patrollers!

More successful new Alpine Patrollers! Congratulations to Tyler Williams (L) and Drew Thomas (R) as they finished their hill climb Feb 23rd to the top to celebrate.

Be sure to congratulate Julie Balthaser (2nd from L) and Suzanne Tzach (R) who completed their Alpine Patroller journey on February 20 with a final wrap up!! This reflects the success after months of training on ski and toboggan, following their OEC technician journey. Who knows what’s next! Congratulations!