It is the day after Thanksgiving and about three weeks until December 17 which is the day Vail has set for us to open – weather dependent. I have also spoken to Larry Kuebler, our MRM GM, and the possibility exists that we may open sooner – again, weather dependent.
Please keep up to date on all patrol communications. Expect more information to be disseminated about opening day, passes, Vail H&S requirements, aid room preparations, toboggan packing, etc …
I would also like to point out that our current Policy and Procedure manual states that “All members are required log at least 1.1 duty hours for each day that the Mad River Mountain Ski Area is open to the skiing public in a season.” (Most people view this as 8 hours per week.)
Over the last two seasons, patrol leadership has not implemented this requirement, but now that we are approaching “back to normal,” this requirement is back in effect.
Besides making your shift, hours can also be built up by subbing for someone else at times, picking up the extra shifts that will be needed during Xmas week and the two Monday holidays, or just coming when you don’t have a shift and “free patrol.”
Hopefully people will learn to use the “Shift Cover & Trades” feature of Homebase.
Please let me know if you have any questions and “think snow.”
Wally T