On behalf of the Executive Board for MRM Ski Patrol, I’m very happy to announce that Wally Taylor has accepted the position of Patrol Director/NSP Patrol Representative for MRM effective July 1, 2021.
Wally joined MRM with his OEC Class in 2013, then progressed onward to Alpine Patroller and later Senior Alpine. He has served the Ohio Region as an OEC Instructor Trainer, a Senior OEC Trainer/Evaluator and most recently as the Region OEC Administrator. On the Ski side he is an active OET Instructor and PSIA Level 1.
Wally has provided leadership support through his work with OEC, as the Mountain Host Unit Representative, and as the APD of Proficiency for the MRM patrol. He also is a BLS Instructor and Ohio EMT-B and has led the charge to establish us as an AHSI Training Center.
In addition to Wally’s service to the National Ski Patrol, Wally’s background includes teaching as an adjunct Engineering Professor at UD and previously as a high school math teacher. He is a retired USAF Lt Col – C141 Aircraft Commander as well as serving in other roles for the USAF & US Naval Academy.
Wally will be reaching out soon with other communications on his plans for our ski patrol, and as our representative to both Vail management and National Ski Patrol Ohio Region. He will be looking to each of you for interest in stepping up to take a more significant role in making our patrol the best it can be. Please reach out to Wally (wally_taylor@hotmail.com) with your congratulations and thoughts/ideas/interests in patrol opportunities. Thank you Wally, for agreeing to take on this challenging volunteer leadership role.
Cheryl A Raudabaugh
MRM-SP Executive Board Member